The 3 Week Diet

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is the right or wrong time to exercise?

By Bojen Makhob

Determining the best time to exercise can be a fascinating subject. There is research that suggests the best time to exercise, in general, is about six o'clock in the evening. Body rhythms, lung functions, body temperature, and hormone levels are most conducive for exercise at this time. Life's demands compel many people to do their exercising in the morning, however. There are surveys that have been performed to support that statement. Doing workouts first thing in the morning or during lunch or other breaks is more convenient so that is when most people do so. Keep reading to learn more about the best time of day to exercise.

Some prefer to workout in the mornings. After a morning work out many people feel more awake, energized and ready for te day ahead. They often feel great in fact, almost bullet proof. Getting your blood moving at a higher level will help you become more focused and alert. You will leave others who are still trying to wake up well in the dust behind you.

When is the most optimum time for your body to exercise? As more people want to start a serious exercise program, this question is becoming more important. The simple reason is it is yet one more thing that puts a demand on our time. Exercising regularly is really important so any hassle it creates is worth it really, in the long run. Most people cite their inability to exercise on not enough time, or they don't ever see the results. When it comes to the best time to exercise, for most people it's whenever they can squeeze it into their busy schedule. Find a time when you can stick with exercising and make a habit of it because it needs to be done. Let's take a closer look at this. Surveys and research shows that most people who are able to consistently work-out, or exercise, do so in the morning or earlier in the day as opposed to after work or the evening. This is a good way for most to get in their exercise for the day and not have it interfere with their day's other responsibilities. Exercise becomes a habit easier for most people if they exercise in the morning. Those that exercise in the morning also report having fewer distractions and interruptions. Because most of the world isn't outside at that time, this makes sense. Also, quite a few people are actually willing to wake-up a little bit earlier so they can get their exercise routine in. Now that's dedication to being healthy.

we all know there has to be a balance. Life is too busy and hectic. Try to be flexible with yourself. Remember that it is most important to be able to be consistent and not quit your training or exercise program. So even if you have to workout on some mornings and other evenings then do it. Noone else can make these decisions for you they are your responsibility. So set a schedule that works for you and stay with it.

If you are fortunate enough to have options for exercising at different times of the day, then you definitely should stick with late afternoon. You may be surprised at how many compelling reasons there are for this. Afternoon workout routines are better overall because of our own physical well being in the afternoons. Also, we have more endurance in the late afternoon, as well. Our liklihood of injury is lower during afternoon times because our muscles are already as warm as they are going to be. It is always best to stick to afternoon programs regardless of the fitness programs.

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